Software Houses

When you need additional resource for a particular project, the contractor option is invariably the same old cycle:

  • Spend time finding someone suitable
  • Babysit them while they familiarise themselves with the project and your way of working
  • Build up their knowledge and experience as they complete the project
  • Watch that knowledge walk of the door on their way to their next contract
  • Rinse and repeat…

Second Bounce can help break that cycle by providing ad hoc resource as and when you need it.  With no need to commit to a fixed-term contract or an ongoing retainer, you can have flexible resource availability arranged on a week-by-week basis.  So when delays occur or finance is tight, you can put the resource on hold, knowing that the knowledge and familiarity we've built up won't be lost the next time you need it.

With experience in both client-facing and back-office roles, we are happy to work in whatever technical capacity you require, and are equally at home working on-site within your team or teleworking remotely.


With our experience in both desktop and web application development, our primary skillset covers full-stack technologies:

  • C# - .NET Framework/Core
  • AutoCAD (and AutoLISP)
  • HTML and CSS/Sass
  • Typescript
  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • MS SQL Server
  • CouchDB

(And of course, all the ancillary skills you'd expect, such as git, etc.)